mini PRC Blue Summer Cup 2020
Pacific Rim Cup 2020
Start date | 07, June, 2020 |
End date | 07, June, 2020 |
Location | Taoyuan, Taiwan |
Event Type | Pool Competition |
Organizer | MS. OCEAN |
Disciplines | DNF、DYN、DYNB |
Event Medic Qualifications | EMT Rescue Instructor |
Main Judge | Yi-Hsien Ting |
Other Jury Members | Hsuan-Yu Chen |
桃園市立游泳池/Taoyuan City Swimming Pool
關於環太平洋自由潛水泳池賽/About Pacific Rim Cup
PRC是女子的海所舉辦的自由潛水賽事,2019年為第一屆於台北舉行,除了期望在台灣辦出國際化的比賽,促進國內外選手交流外,我們也希望能藉由比賽提升國內自由潛水運動風氣。因此除了一年一度的大型PRC賽事,我們也同時舉辦mini PRC系列賽,希望藉由這樣的單日小比賽,鼓勵大家參與,推廣自由潛水運動。
PRC is the Freediving Pool competition organized by Ms.Ocean started since 2019, Taipei. In addition to host an international competition in Taiwan to encourage the exchange between domestic and international athletes, Ms.Ocean is dedicated to promote the freediving exercise in Taiwan. Beside the annual PRC, we organize the mini PRC series to encourage Taiwanese to join and enjoy the one-day freediving competition.

▲主辦單位/Organizer《女子的海 Ms.Ocean》
▲協辦單位/Co-organizer《鳳凰潛水 Phoenix Diving Club》
Alex Lai
比賽進行三個自由潛水泳池項目的競賽(DNF, DYN, DYNB),賽程符合國際AIDA規範,比賽成績也將登錄國際AIDA官方網站。參加mini PRC系列賽的選手,積分將會累計到PRC 2021(環太平洋自由潛水泳池賽),頒發年度男女總冠軍。
The mini PRC Blue Summer Cup, which includes DNF, DYN and DYNB disciplines, will be under AIDA Rules & Regulations and the results will be registered into AIDA ranking system. The Athletes who join mini PRC series would accumulate points to PRC 2021 to decide the men and women Champion of the year.
• DNF – Dynamic Apnea Without Fins:動態平潛無蛙鞋,紀錄總潛水距離。

• DYN– Dynamic Apnea With Fins:有蹼動態平潛,紀錄總潛水距離。

• DYNB – Dynamic Apnea With Bifins:雙蹼動態平潛,紀錄總潛水距離,禁止使用豚踢。

註:在此比賽中,DYN 與 DYNB 只能二選一。
Note: athletes can only choose DYN or DYNB.
▲賽事賽程/Competition Schedule
08:00-08:45 選手報到/Registration
08:45-09:00 說明會/Briefing
10:00-12:30 DNF
14:00-16:30 DYN & DYNB
17:00 成績公佈與開放抗告申請/Results & Protest application
17:30 頒獎/Awards
※主辦單位保留賽程更動權力/The organizer reserves the right to adjust the schedule
長 50 M/寬 20 M / 深度1.8-2M /
Outdoor standard competition pool. Water temperature is about 26-28°C.
L 50M/W 20M/D 1.8-2M
2 waterways, 1 for competition zone & 1 for warm-up and transition zone.
Another indoor 25M waterway for warm-up zone
※ 比賽前一天6/6(六) 11:00-17:00 開放選手練習,入場費 350元/人
※ The pool will be opened for practice during 6/6 (Sat.) 11 AM – 5 PM. Admission charge NT$350 per person

● DNF:男子組第1名、女子組第1名
● DYN/DYNB:男子組第1名、女子組第1名(註1)
● 菜鳥獎:男女新人總積分第一名(註2)
● mini PRC 夏季盃冠軍:男子組積分第一名、女子組積分第一名
註1:DYN 動態平潛 & DYNB 雙蹼動態平潛,這2個比賽項目為2擇一。
註2:菜鳥獎資格為:學習自由潛水兩年以內,且無任何自潛賽事經驗。(參加 mini PRC 獲得菜鳥獎,不影響 PRC 2021 的新人獎資格)
▲About competition awards, it’s about 8 awards as follows
● DNF:Men’s & Women’s first place
● DYN/DYNB:Men’s & Women’s first place(Note 1)
● ROOKIE AWARD:Men’s & Women’s total points ranking NO.1 (Note 2)
● Blue Summer Cup AWARD:Men’s & Women’s total points ranking NO.1
Note 1 :For DYN & DYNB, you only can choose one of them for the competition.
Note 2 : The qualification for ROOKIE AWARD is learning freediving within 2 years and this is the first time participate PRC.
● DNF 第一名:muii 連身款(黑色)泳衣乙件
● DYN 第一名:muii 連身款(黑色)泳衣乙件
● DYNB 第一名:muii 無綁帶/蜜挖臀無痕褲
● 菜鳥獎:TENGA SVR 充電式強力振動器
● Blue Summer Champion:TRUDIVE 海妖系列 拉鍊盲縫款防寒衣 乙套
● 參加獎:PRC 2020 紀念T-shirt
Women’s prize
● DNF first place:muii One-piece swimsuit (black)
● DYN first place:muii One-piece swimsuit (black)
● DYNB first place:muii brazilian bikini bottom (no tie)
● Blue Summer Champion:TRUDIVE Wetsuit
● Participant award:PRC 2020 T-shirt
● DNF 第一名:TENGA GEO 探索球(可重複使用之飛機杯)
● DYN 第一名:TENGA GEO 探索球(可重複使用之飛機杯)
● DYNB 第一名:TENGA GEO 探索球(可重複使用之飛機杯)
● 菜鳥獎:TENGA EGG 禮盒(6入)
● Blue Summer Champion:TRUDIVE 鈦睿系列 自由潛水防寒衣 乙套
● 參加獎:PRC 2020 紀念T-shirt
Men’s prize
● DNF first place:TENGA GEO
● DYN first place:TENGA GEO
● DYNB first place:TENGA GEO
● Blue Summer Champion:TRUDIVE Wetsuit
● Participant award:PRC 2020 T-shirt

▲報名方法/How to register:
A. 參加比賽/Participate in the competition
Registration deadline 2020/06/04 23:59 (GMT+8)
第一步/ Step 1.
繳交報名費/Pay the registration fee
第二步/ Step 2.
填寫報名表單/Fill in the registration form
第三步/ Step 3.
填寫健康聲明書與AIDA比賽表/Fill in Health Declaration form and AIDA Competition form
※ If you have any questions about the registration, please contact us. Ms.Ocean
▲報名注意事項/Registration notice
1. 只要年滿18歲,或年滿16歲並附上家長同意簽名即可參加比賽。
2. 若比賽成績要登錄國際AIDA官方網站,選手須為AIDA Taiwan會員(註)。
3. 報名參賽票請先完成參賽票購買、比賽宣告成績報名表 (AP)、健康聲明書填寫與與AIDA比賽表。
4. 1名選手可免費帶1名教練或潛伴入場,請至報到檯換證,憑證進出賽場。
5. 健康聲明書與AIDA比賽表請務必事先填寫,有醫生開立證明的部分,請確實請醫生簽名。若報到時未能繳交,將取消比賽資格,報名費恕無法退還。
6. 若有更改比賽宣告成績 (AP)的需求、比賽項目、或者更改隊伍,最晚請於2020年6月04日(四) 23:59 前,以Mail通知主辦單位 (Mail:
7. 若要取消報名,必須於比賽前7日提出申請,請於2020年5月31日23:59前EMAIL至,並酌收10%手續費。若於2020年5月31日之後提出,則不予退費。
8. 依據AIDA規則,選手若對比賽判決不服,想提出抗告重判,必須繳交抗告費。抗告費為新台幣1800元,若抗告成功費用予以退還,若失敗時則費用沒收。
註:由於AIDA international 官網改版,所有新舊會員今年都必須再給AIDA Taiwan認證,帳號審核過始能登錄成績。因此所有選手請記得至AIDA Taiwan臉書申請審核帳號,若因個人因素沒有完成帳號審核導致我們無法登陸您的成績,主辦單位不負相關責任(註冊官網會員 請用護照名稱)。
1. You must be at least 18 years old, or at least 16 years of age with a parental consent signature to participate in the competition.
2. If the results of the competition are to be registered on the official website of the International AIDA, the athlete must be an AIDA member.
3. Athletes Please complete the competition ticket, the competition announcement result (AP), and the health declaration form and AIDA Competition form. Each athlete can bring a coach to enter the venue. Please go to the counter to change the card and enter the pool venue.
4. Please fill in the health declaration form and AIDA Competition form in advance. If you have a doctor’s certificate, please do not sign the doctor’s signature. If you do not complete the form, you will be disqualified. The registration fee cannot be refunded.
5. If there is a need to change the performance of the competition (AP),DYNB/DYN or your team, please inform the organizer by Mail before June 04, 2020 (Mail:
6. To cancel the registration, you have to apply by email to Apply for cancellation before 5/31, will charge 10% handling fee. After 5/31, apply for cancellation with no refund.
7. For foreign athletes, the Registration fee will be paid by credit card only.
8. According to the rules of the AIDA Freediving Competition, if the athlete is dissatisfied with the game and wants to refute, he must pay the reverse admission fee. The anti-admission fee is NT$1,800. If the successful fee is refunded, the fee will be forfeited if the fee fails.
▲比賽報到注意事項/Notes on briefing day
1. 請攜帶身分證件/護照前來報到,以便查核選手身份。
2. 請於2020年6月07日比賽報到時,繳交選手健康聲明書。
1.Please bring your passport / ID card to identity for athletes on briefing day 2020/04/10.
2.Please bring the health declaration form on briefing day 2020/04/10.
*本次賽事,完整賽程資訊於活動前一周,傳送至選手報名填寫之Email,大會訊息通知以郵件為準,故Email 請務必確實填寫。