教練名稱:Donny Mac
教學系統:AIDA、SSI、 Molchanovs
教練等級:AIDA Instructor、SSI Level 2 Instructor、Molchanovs Instructor
所屬潛店:Freedive Taiwan 台灣自由潛水
教練 / Instructor
台灣自由潛水的總教練Donny Mac來自蘇格蘭,在過去16年,他旅居了不同國家。6年前,來到台灣的他,驚艷於台灣之美和體驗到台灣人的熱情,他決定定居台灣。Donny在印尼的Freedive Gili拿到他的初階潛水證照,因此愛上自由潛水的他,最後考到AIDA,Molchanovs和SSI的教練證照。
Donny的播客節目 – The Freedive Cafe,是目前自潛界內唯一專精於自由潛水的播客。在節目裡,他訪問了許多最出色且有趣的自潛人物。目前為止,節目已經邀請超過100位以上的來賓,而這些來賓都是世界頂級的自由潛水員、教練和科學家。
Donny Mac is Chief Instructor at Freedive Taiwan. Originally from Scotland, he has lived in many countries over the last 16 years and decided to settle in Taiwan 6 years ago.
He did his first courses with Freedive Gili in Indonesia and has completed freediving instructor programs with AIDA International, Molchanovs and SSI.
He is the host of the world’s only dedicated freediving podcast, The Freedive Café, where he interviews the world’s most knowledgeable and interesting freediving personalities. To date he has interviewed more than 100 of the world’s top freedivers, coaches and scientists.
He is madly in love with the ocean and with freediving, and thinks sharing his passion is the best way to live his life.
Donny is committed to providing the highest standards of freediving education while guiding you to your true potential in the ocean with patience and encouragement.
學校 / School
Freedive Taiwan 設立於2017年,
在美麗的台灣熱帶海 域提供最高水準的自由潛水教育。
全年提供自由潛 水課程與訓練。
授課費用/Teaching Fee:
AIDA1: 6000 NTD
AIDA2/Wave 1: 13,750 NTD
AIDA3/Wave 2: 16,750 NTD
授課地點:小琉球 Xiao Liuqiu Island
Website / 網站:www.freedivetaiwan.com
Email: freedivetaiwan@gmail.com
電話 / Phone: 0909452409
FB: https://www.facebook.com/freedivingtaiwan/
The Freedive Cafe Podcast: www.freedivecafe.com
LINE: gherandas